Uranus Stations Direct

Uranus movements through Taurus.

16 May 2018 – Uranus ingresses into Taurus

8 August 2018 – Uranus turns Retrograde at 2 degrees 33 minutes of Taurus

7 January 2019 – Uranus turns Direct 28 degrees 26 minutes of Aries

7 March 2019 – Uranus ingresses into Taurus

23 April 2019 – Uranus leaves its shadow at 2 degrees 31 minutes of Taurus

13 August 2019 – Uranus turns Retrograde 6 degrees 36 minutes of Taurus

12 January 2020 – Uranus turns Direct 2 degrees 39 minutes of Taurus

27 April 2020 – Uranus leaves its shadow at 6 degrees 37 minutes of Taurus

16  August 2020 – Uranus turns Retrograde at 10 degrees 41 minutes of Taurus

15 January 2021 – Uranus turns Direct 6 degrees 43 minutes of Taurus

1 May 2021 – Uranus leaves its shadow at 10 degrees 41 minutes of Taurus

21 August 2021 – Uranus turns Retrograde at 14 degrees 47 minutes of Taurus

19 January 2022 – Uranus turns Direct at 10 degrees 49 of Taurus

6 May 2022 – Uranus leaves its shadow at 14 degrees 46 minutes of Taurus

25 August 2022 – Uranus turns Retrograde at 18 degrees 55 minutes of Taurus

23 January 2023 – Uranus turns Direct at 14 degrees 56 of Taurus

10 May 2023 – Uranus leaves its shadow at 18 degrees 56 minutes of Taurus

30 August 2023 – Uranus turns Retrograde at 23 degrees 4 minutes of Taurus

28 January 2024 – Uranus turns Direct at 19 degrees 5 minutes of Taurus

13 May 2024 – Uranus leaves its shadow at 23 degrees 4 minutes of Taurus

2 September 2024 – Uranus turns Retrograde at 27 degrees 15 minutes of Taurus

31 January 2025 – Uranus turns Direct at 23 degrees 15 minutes of Taurus

18 May 2025 – Uranus leaves its shadow at 27 degrees 17 minutes of Taurus

8 July 2025 – Uranus ingresses into Gemini at 0 degrees 1 minute of Gemini

7 September 2025 – Uranus turns Retrograde at 1 degree 27 minutes of Gemini

9 November 2025 – Uranus goes back into Taurus 29 degrees 57 minutes of Taurus

5 February 2026 – Uranus turns Direct at 27 degrees 27 minutes of Taurus

4 May 2026 – Uranus leaves its shadow at 0 degrees 26 minutes of Gemini

11 September 2026 – Uranus turns Retrograde at 5 degrees 41 minutes of Gemini

9 February 2027 – Uranus turns Direct at 1 degree 40 minutes of Gemini

26 May 2027 – Uranus leaves its shadow at 5 degrees 41 minutes of Gemini


Uranus first ingressed into Taurus on 16 may 2018, and Uranus will leave Taurus on 26 April 2026. 

We have a bit more than another two years of Uranus in Taurus.  It can often help to take a wide view of these outer planets, especially if they make aspects to your natal chart significantly!  Where Neptune can make us feel like we sometimes wade through the mud of a dream without a clear narrative and no end in sight, Uranus seems to hit us with clarity after clarity after clarity.  This can happen so fast sometimes, we find ourselves leaping until we give in and remain ‘open’ to new information.  It is like a leap of faith that is paved with information so it kind of isn’t faith at all.  The only ‘leap’ seems sometimes to be the ‘timing’ of the information coming to us.  Sometimes it feels like we are out of sync with it.  But once we get the hang of it, whoa!  Life can be really exciting with Uranus around!

Chaos and Order always work together.  For Uranus the only acceptable order is Truth because Uranus operates through the Mind.  Life is a highly intelligent system.  We can probably all agree on this.  The Trivium system is one which provides a foundational approach to working with Life’s higher intuitive logic.

On a personal level, we adapt to realising that the true information is there for us.  It might come from those who seek to fool us.  It might come more easily through us asking the questions that help us find true answers. Where does your ‘ intuition ‘ come from?  Logic is not always Cognitive, but we need our Cognition to process it I would argue.  Using some semblance of logic and fortitude as we move through those powerhouse Uranus transits can be Life Enhancing for sure!  Especially when they overwhelm us when they form strong aspects to our Natal Planets. 

Uranus is the planet of surprises, and I’m betting that wherever Uranus is landing in Taurus in your chart has been an area which took you by surprise, even if you had some plans before!  We are all going through this new aeon of Aquarius.  Aquarius is co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus.  Most of us reading this will know Saturn pretty well, especially if you have already been through your Saturn return between ages 28 to 30.  Where Saturn asks us to take a breath and get serious, (and commit), Uranus throws things at us and says ‘quick catch’! Often the things being thrown at us are actual realisations of our Reality!  Uranus is about intuitive Wisdom, but Uranus, because it co-rules Aquarius, which is an air sign, is also about pure Logic.  Perhaps this is why we’ve all been being pulled through ‘The Great Awakening’, whether you woke up years ago or only during this transit. 

What can we do with this information?

Have a close look at some of these dates.  Start with these dates:

May 2018, January 2019, March 2019, January 2020, February 2020, May 2021 and December 2021.  Each time Uranus moves forward it travels through new territory.  When it goes Retrograde it gives us opportunities to revisit things so we have more opportunities to work things out – usually in our heads. Then when it goes direct again it travels through those same areas for us, again giving us plenty of opportunities to get used to the processes of how Uranus operates.  Once it “leaves its shadow” it can be said to move on again into the new areas or events we haven’t yet been privy to.  This process is the same for all planets.  The nature of the planet corresponds to the nature of the events, ideas, and thought forms, and even spiritual and physical events, ideas, and symbolic thought forms etc.

A good way to do this is to go back through your emails.  Even better maybe you keep a diary? Or just consider what was happening at those times.  Try to be as precise as you can.  You are filling up the Uranus pictures now.  Since Pluto has been so prominent, if you go outside the dates you may get too mixed a message.  Pluto went through Capricorn so whatever House your Capricorn sits those events are more likely overshadowed by Pluto.  (I am being simplistic here just for the sake of separating the energies so you can start to identify them.  As always, the chart works as a whole system, with overlapping for many configurative reasons.)

What you may find, if you have been experiencing some keen Uranus energies, will most likely fall into your Taurus house of activity.  So you can locate the area of life for you by considering the following demarcations:

Aries Rising – Taurus is in the 2nd house for Aries Rising Signs. 

Taurus Rising – Taurus is in the 1st house for Taurus Rising Signs. 

Gemini Rising– Taurus is in the 12th house for Gemini Rising Signs. 

Cancer Rising– Taurus is in the 11th house for Cancer Rising Signs. 

Leo Rising– Taurus is in the 10th house for Leo Rising Signs. 

Virgo Rising– Taurus is in the 9th house for Virgo Rising Signs. 

Libra Rising– Taurus is in the 8th house for Libra Rising Signs. 

Scorpio Rising– Taurus is in the 7thhouse for Scorpio Rising Signs. 

Sagittarius Rising– Taurus is in the 6th house for Sagittarius Rising Signs. 

Capricorn Rising– Taurus is in the 5th house for Capricorn Rising Signs. 

Aquarius Rising– Taurus is in the 4th house for Aquarius Rising Signs. 

Pisces Rising– Taurus is in the 3rd house for Pisces Rising Signs. 


Here are some key words for each House, or area of Life.

1st House

  • How we meet Life.
  • Temperament
  • Presented personality

2nd House

  • Wealth
  • Possessions
  • What we value
  • Resources

3rd House

  • Siblings
  • Communication
  • Neighbours
  • Short Journeys, transport
  • News, rumours, letters

4th House

  • Home
  • Base
  • Foundation
  • Mines
  • Realestate
  • Our roots

5th House

  • Love affairs
  • Children
  • Joy
  • Creativity

6th House

  • Health
  • Employment
  • Integrity

7th House

  • Marriage Partner
  • Business Partner
  • Open enemies

8th House

  • Death
  • Legacies
  • Partner’s money
  • Transmutation

9th House

  • Long journeys, foreign places
  • Higher learning
  • Beliefs, Religion, Philosophy
  • Legal matters

10th House

  • Elevated Career or own business
  • Public standing
  • Reputation
  • Can be Mother

11th House

  • Hopes dreams and wishes
  • Friends
  • Counsellors
  • Acquaintenances
  • The People

12th House

  • Hidden enemies
  • Psychic influences
  • Detective work, prisons, hospitals
  • Self undoing
  • Subconscious




So, if you know you are a rising Aries then your Uranus will be activating your 2nd house of resources.  If you are a Pisces Rising then your Uranus will be activating your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and/or short distance travel, etc.

Getting used to Uranus energy.

Uranus is intuition.  Intuition cuts through.  Uranus is said to be the Higher Octave of Mercury. If Mercury is thinking then Uranus is Clear Intuitive Thinking, which might often feel like it uses more than our cognition to have these thoughts.  That’s because it does.  Symbols speak volumes more than more linear language. We don’t always consider our Intuition to be ‘smarter’ than our daily thoughts.  Imagine the following.  Play along with me.

This came to me so I’m using this analogy.  I hope it helps.  It is okay if it doesn’t.  There are millions of other narratives for Uranus and you can look up many yourself on the internet to get used to Uranian energy.  Because this came to me I’m using it here. J

Symbolic message – Instant and Precise

You have a large amount of paper, all exactly the same size.

You also have a vice that holds it in place.  Your stack of paper is exceedingly high.  Higher than any printer would stack their flyers.  

You check on all sides.  Miraculously the alignment is perfect.  (Miraculously because Uranus seems to work miracles out of the blue, but when really acknowledged it is all just physics and maths.  

Now, you cut through the whole stack, not just one cut, but precise cuts only a centimetre wide. If you’ve ever done craftwork you might be beginning to imagine what you can do with all this precisely cut paper!  Maybe your imagination is already seeing the possibilities! 

You cut across and now you have what will be, when you release this stack, millions of pieces of paper that are exactly the same.  Mathematically precise, exactly the same. 

If you have ever seen good printers cutting A5 flyers from A4 sized paper you will recognize the precision.

Math is inherent in Uranus.  Even when the result is Neptunian Artwork.  Uranus co-rules Aquarius, which is FIXED AIR.  We are now learning how to adapt to the Age of Aquarius.  Like plants that have adapted throughout many climatic conditions.  

Uranus and Saturn co-rule Aquarius.  Uranus can be the basis of great Art, not because it is Fixed Air, but because it gives the Artist access to his or her well of intuition, and provides the lightening struck accuracy of what is needed by each and every Human BEing to recognize their enormous potential and work with it in an instant. 

Last week we talked about Saturn and its lesson of Commitment to a decision.

This week we are exploring how Uranus provides what seems magical because it is higher math, accessible by and inherent to every one of we Human BEings.  Why? Because Uranus always manifests through Human Agency.  Uranus ruling Aquarius in the natural house of the 11th, the house of hopes, dreams, wishes and the People.  AI can be thought of as the printers’ tool of precision for their craft.  And you have access to precision also.  Make a commitment, a decision, and clear your mind.  What now pops up for you?

Uranus is Mind

It doesn’t matter what you are thinking now, or what you are feeling now, you can focus and be completely precise and creative this minute if you choose.  With laser beam precision.  All the AI currently being developed is the outer revealing to us the inner.  We are realising outside of ourselves just a small amount of the resources that we have inside ourselves.  Because Uranus is an outer planet we get to witness things as if they are taking place outside only.  I’m not going to go all existential this week because I want to make this practical.  But we are speaking about the Mind now so consider this.

You just worked through an exercise where you discovered that what’s been happening in your own life during the periods of Uranus’ movement over the last few years has held a theme for you.  Maybe it was all about home and moving (4th House).  Maybe it was all about your daily work life and changing jobs (6th House). Maybe it was all about children (5th House). Because Uranus is an outer planet, and because its nature is recognizable as clear change you will be able to observe and get acquainted with how Uranus has been working in your own Life, and still is. My hope is that this transit being so pronounced for most of us, will give us all the opportunity to really get a big hit of Uranus that will help us to co-create with this energy long into the future! We are at the start of Aquarius now so we are being given enormous opportunities for change and creativity.

Now, your Mind is made up of more than your Cognition, and your Cognition is pretty cool itself, (even though it tricks us into thinking it is everything until we see more clearly with Uranus’ help).

You can change your Mind in a minute bit of a second.  You can change your Mind completely right now.  You will most likely pull yourself back into your feelings quickly also but give it a go.  It can be scary if you’ve never done this before.  It can feel inhuman because we usually only use our feelings to create our thoughts. But if you have done any NLP or Mind studies, or gone through change through physical or spiritual avenues, you will “know” (a Uranian word for sure) that even though you are never ‘the same’ afterwards, you are still ‘you’.  You don’t look like a baby anymore do you?  But are you still the same Human BEing?  Many of us have been taught to identify ourselves with what we do for money, or whether we are ‘arty bohemian types’, or even ‘non-conformists’.  All identities.  Aquarius is happy for us to wear all these hats at different times but never happy for us to over-identify with these “personas”.  Hmmm “person” means …

Have you ever noticed how those who wield some power appear to have held some very assorted positions?  It is almost as if they get to be an engineer one day, then a doctor the next, and the next they are heading the board at the UN? There are people who already ‘know’ that their identity is not confined to one job.  That is reserved for the slave class perhaps.  Uranus emancipates slaves from their own identity boxes.  Maybe this is happening to you now?!

Have you been feeling like change has been coming but it has been taking ages?  Maybe you haven’t gone deeply enough into it and because when the events kick in they seem to happen so fast we are then a little dismayed that they didn’t complete the change!  A lot of people are reporting this frustration.  But if you haven’t got the best ‘gist’ of it yet then isn’t this a good thing?  Some things take a bit longer to ‘know’ and so really experience in full.

Close your eyes if you like and think about what it would be like if you could BE yourself and live as you want.  What would it look like?  How would you behave?  Enjoy the daydream.  The 11th house is all about hopes, dreams and wishes, because Uranus naturally rules this house of ‘change’.  What are you experiencing now as you consider this?  No-one knows what you are doing so enjoy your journey into what makes Life truly exciting and joyful for you now! You can pick up all your problems and challenges again when you open your eyes.  If that’s what you want. 

Uranus will aspect every planet around your chart while in Taurus

This is just a tabulation of the actual chart positions as at 16 May 2018 to illustrate how to list your own planets.  I suggest you start with the 10 planets only.  The luminaries - Sun and Moon; Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.  If you are used to working with the Nodes and Chiron add these also.  Take your time.  The objective of this exercise is to locate the points on your chart and check the dates when Transiting Uranus was making any kind of aspect to each of those points.  When we look at this Tabulation we can see that Jupiter is at 17 degrees 29 minutes, so Uranus is now "separating" but still "conjunct" Jupiter.  Pluto is at 21 degrees and so is right in the spotlight.  As a Transiting planet "approaches" more energy is gathered and therefore the events of the energies interacting will be more obvious, depending upon the aspect configuration, and how strong either of the planets involved are in your own unique chart.  (Feel free to ask questions that you might like answered in future emails.)


Uranus actually rules Astrology.  Or, Astrology is under the dominion of Uranus.  So by your reading this email from me about Astrology you are now tapping into your Uranus energy in your chart.  Whether you are looking at your chart or not. 

What planets is Uranus at 19 degrees aspecting in your Natal chart today?  What is the Aspect?  If you are having a Uranus opposition then whoa it’s a big one for you!  Or an opening or closing square with your natal Uranus – whoa!!! It’s a big one for you!   You’ll most likely mark this time in your Life as a “before and after” period. 

Maybe Transiting Uranus is Conjunct your Natal Mars.  Because Uranus moves so slowly your Natal Mars will be getting a massive overhaul since 2018 then.  Even though we use Orbs for individual readings, it is my opinion that during such times as these epochal shifts between Aeons using Sign Aspects is acceptable.  For many Astrologers this was the norm anyway!  This means that while Uranus is in Taurus, any planet you have in Leo or Aquarius will be Square to Uranus in Taurus.  Any planet you have in Scorpio will be in Opposition to Uranus in Taurus.


Some interpretations for Uranus Aspects to Natal planets are outlined here: (Noted and paraphrased from some of Astrologer Stephen Arroyo’s writings.)

Transits by Uranus tend to:

  • Speed up the rhythm
  • Hasten change
  • Disrupt
  • Revolutiionize
  • Bring to the surface that which was below the threshold of consciousness

Transits to Uranus tend to:

  • Affect how free one feels
  • Express uniqueness and originality
  • Bring on restlessness and desire for change and excitement
  • Focus on the concept of real independence

Some interpretations for Uranus Aspects noted and paraphrased from Astrologer Palden Jenkins ‘Living In Time’.

  • Uranus brings radical changes and shifts, new ideologies, mutations and innovations,
  • Breaks with the past, releasing of old hangups or restrictions,
  • Breakouts and individual initiatives towards a collective end
  • Works by impulse, flashes and spurts often announcing through dissention, alienation, divergence, protest or revolt
  • Stirs things up
  • True change begins with Uranian quickening, seeking and ideology




Tavistock and Uranus

Because Uranus can be thought of as Mind, then it seems very logical to expect that the Tavistock Institute is playing a massive role right now in World Cultural manipulations.  If you don’t know about the Tavistock Institute then get educated.  What you are watching on your daily news, if you still watch the mainstream media, comes straight out of the Tavistock manufacturing plant, by way of Reuters.  A lot of social forums and social celebrities are also influenced by the campaigns that come out of the Tavistock Institute in London.   

So when we hear repeated over and over that we are involved in a “war on Consciousness” then we know that we will want to get to know Uranus much better if we are ever to survive this war, or better still win this war!  And I believe each of us definitely has the backing of the Universe to do this.  Mind also takes into account every bit of information ever realised anywhere at any time.  Some people think of this as the Akasiac records.  Others perceive it telepathically.  Others work with physics to comprehend its structure, to tease out its knowledge.


Is Mind a dirty word?

Mind Body Spirit

We’ve just come through approximately 2000 years of Neptune and Jupiter co-ruling Pisces.  So we got literally tons of sacrifice, art, illusion, delusion, gambling, slavery, etc to deal with in our world.  For a long time now children have been taught to ‘obey’ ‘authority’.  Now Uranus has come along into Taurus (Fixed Earth) and rumbled loudly.  This stuff is out.  Mind is in.  Whether you prefer to remain enslaved and see out your incarnation this way or not, in the words of Q – “nothing can stop what’s happening” now.  If it rains profusely you either get your umbrella or you get wet and hope for the best.  Or you don’t go out.  Everything is your choice but some things will still happen in our terrain whether we engage directly or not.  We may seek to manipulate them, or learn from them and work with them to aid us or we fight them or whatever we choose. 

Because critical thinking has been tabood by the Piscean Church for so long now it isn’t easy for a lot of us, especially those of us who have had many esoteric or psychic experiences, to allow a place for Mind.  Fixed Air allows for the physics of telepathy for sure but a Divine Being who has Full Dominion over you?  No.  I’m sorry.  Even if we cherish the Divine, and most of Us do, because we feel strongly that we are connected, and that there is BEauty in our world - our relationship will change to this Divinity now in the Age of Aquarius.  Our Mind is as much a part of us as our Spirit and our Body.  If we hate Mind then how can we remain connected with Divinity, however we explain this, given that Mind informs our behaviour?

The Church filled our heads with parables written by men that told us not to question.  Because we learned our lessons so well we have witnessed the monetary system steal from the masses, causing starvation and pain and crime across our world.  And where has the wealth gone?  To just a few Humans, who it appears will stop at nothing and for a long time have told us clearly that they believe that depopulation is necessary.  Just not the depopulation of their own families.  And they have managed this because we were in the Age of Pisces, and they knew how to manipulate these transits.  And now they know, and have known since the turn of the 20th Century in the lead up to the Age of Mind, the Age of Aquarius, that by manipulating Consciousness with more focus, they can switch their Bretton Woods Acts to the physics of implanted technology and CBDCs.  These are just people who have had ‘ideas’, and having had those ideas have then committed to them. And have manifested them.  The ignorance of slavery is not possible now.  And those who have used it know this.  Many people have woken up (Uranus ‘awakens’ through great ‘insight’) and put liens on their ALL CAPS NAMES, thereby having been able to retain their own wealth and spread the word of the big Neptunian illusion of enslavement. 

Mind is an awesome word and not much different to spirituality.  In fact these have always operated together.  You have always used your Mind, just not ‘knowingly’.  We can’t not use our Mind.  And I’m talking about Mind as being both Subconscious and Cognition here. 



If I were the Astrologer to the Rockefella family I would have given them notice of both Pluto’s tenure in Capricorn (2008-2024/25) and Uranus’ shift into Taurus (2018-2026), because the monetary system was always going to crash and change during these periods.





And I’m pretty sure that their Astrologers did give them plenty of notice about these transits.  And the emergency management plans in place have been playing out since 2008 in some pretty horrible ways for the rest of us.  For those who have built their wealth on usury, their plans are now reaping the rewards of the greatest wealth steal in history, it could be argued fairly strongly for sure. 



If you have read this far then I thank you.  There is so much to write about Uranus’ transit in Taurus.  Now that Uranus is about to go Direct again my hope for you is that you might be able to work with this energy to help you during the ‘darkest times’ being created by Human BEings.  When we use our Minds we dare to come up with better ideas.  And there are many people coming up with many great ideas at the moment.  But there is certainly room for yours!  

This is not about blame and retribution, even against those who may very well be described as psychopathic.  If they are psychopaths then level headed men and women must be able to contain these people.

Now we know about the monetary system.  And now we know about the freemasonry gift giving, that serves both the monetary excesses by funnelling profits for obedience, as well as the off the books bartering, artwork laundering and directed gambling wins.  We may realise that there is actually no value in “money” as we have known it.  That those who have stolen the real wealth of land and water have not done so through the mechanisms of money themselves, only through placing those mechanisms on the rest of us! 

We know now that this system is dead. The question is what’s your idea for the better way to trade and live side by side with each other as free Individuals? 

Uranus was discovered during the French Revolution. We are currently seeing the greatest emancipation of slaves around the world, if we want to use our Minds and manifest this.

Knowledge turns fear into courage.  Fear and Stress prevent us from clear thinking and when we don’t think clearly we can’t make healthy decisions about much at all.  Uranus has awoken so many of us from a great deal of lies, usually perpetuated to enrich the few and harm the rest. 

Some people feel that if they dare to question their own experiences with the Divine that this will somehow be committing a grave sin.  Or maybe that they will never get to have these experiences again.  We know from many accounts that this is not the case. Uranus has awoken us from our slumber.  The saying the Truth shall set you free is before us in real time now.  So when we are confronted what shall we do?  If we don’t know what to do what are our options?  You know when you get a fright because you didn’t expect your partner to be standing behind you, but then realising it is your partner, you laugh?  Well, when we are surprised, or shocked, knowledge is like our partner.  It is always there for us and it makes us laugh and feel comfortable about meeting whatever challenge turns up for us.  The way we get knowledge is to ask questions.  We can ask the universe itself when we go to sleep.  Or we can just ask quietly during our day.  Ask and Ye shall receive.  That’s the real Divinity in our lives that becomes manifest for all of us.  Uranus loves it when we ask questions.  Uranus corresponds to wisdom.  You can’t be wise if you never ask a question and listen out for the answers that present to you for further enquiry.  Life becomes fun when Uranus is active.  Uranus favours the brave because Uranus is about you as an individual, fully conscious and aware of who you are and where you are and what your terrain inspires.

If the things we want are peace with each other, and food and water for all, then it is obvious that we haven’t got this yet.  What would it be like if we did have these things in our world?  How might we spend our days? I’ll leave you with a quote from Mark Passio.  


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