Learn how to read the Planets in your Astrology Birth Chart


 In Lesson 1 we learned that there are 12 Houses, or areas of our lives, plotted upon a 360 degree Astrology Birth Chart.   There are also 12 Signs.  Each Sign correlates to an Element and a Modality.  Now we can add the Planets. 

Each of the 12 Signs in the Astrology Chart is said to be "Ruled" by a planet. Some Signs are ruled by two planets.  The chart below shows the sigils for these "Ruling Planets".  Each Planet has its own Nature.  Like everyone you know, there are many layers to the personalities of each Planet.  Like the rest of us each Planet likes its Home to look and feel and operate in the ways that suit it best.  And when it is in another planet's house, it behaves a little differently.  A roudy Mars at home may be subdued when visiting Venus, or the Moon, unless triggered. To really get the most out of Astrology it is always so much better if you are involved in your own Readings with an Astrologer.  Are you ready to meet the Planets now?   




The Sun rules the Fixed Fire Sign of Leo

The Sun Rules Leo.  In the Fixed Fire Sign of Leo the Sun is able to come out every day and bring Life to every thing and every one.  Fixed modalities allow for tenacity of expression.  The Fixed Fire of Leo is the fire place that keeps everyone warm.  It is also the Sun itself that rises every day.

The Sun is also able to do his thing in Aries (Moving Fire), and he is also happy in Sagittarius (Mutable Fire).   And as long as other placements in the Birth Chart, and Transiting Planets, do not obstruct the Sun in these Signs, then for the most part you will notice these Birth Signs have an uncanny ability to shine, whether we like the way they are shining or not!  

The Sun and Moon are referred to as 'Luminaries' but we count these two most important entities in with the ten Planets.  

The Sun 'lights the way' wherever it is.  So the Sign and House of your Sun will most likely be where you see things as they are.  There is usually vitality where the Sun shines.  The Sun will usually take centre stage and command what's going on.  If another planet is too close to the Sun we say it's light is diminished by the Sun because it is "under the Beams" of the Sun.  If you think about what the daylight is like you know that it is very difficult to actually see any of the other planets in the sky when the Sun is shining. 

Our Sun is often about our power and our ability to express ourselves. When our Sun Aspects another Planet favourably our Sun will highlight and seek to express that Planet's attributes also.  So even though the Sun is completely at home in Leo, in signs other than the Fire Signs he will serve to highlight those attributes of that particular Sign.  

When we read our Astrology Birth Charts, we look to where the Sun is placed, but we also look at what is happening in the House (or area of our Life) where Leo is on the Cusp (the 'Cusp' of a House is the beginning of that House).  Our Leo House is often where we find a lot of Joy in Life. 

If you already have your own Birth Chart in front of you take a look at the Sign and House where your Sun is positioned, and also look at the House where Leo sits on the Cusp.  If you want a refresher about which House (area of Life) that is, then check back to the previous article, which outlines descriptions for each House. 

How can we describe the Sun in each of the 12 Signs of the Astrology Chart?  

Sun in Aries.  

We say the Sun is "exalted" in Aries.  Aries is Ruled by Mars.  Mars wants to push that seed through the ground with a big push into the world!  The Sun shines on that seedling until it's warmth reaches the place where Mars can then 'push' through with enough energy to make things happen.  

All this energy means that the Sun in Aries is not going to be so steady with its vitality, as it is at home in Leo.  Since it is here in Mars' home, it will be actively helping Mars to push through on things.  Aries is Moving Fire.  The Sun here will have a more spurting, energetic push about it.  The Sun here is bringing what Mars needs to do his job!  It doesn't matter if Mars isn't in the house with the Sun.  Mars will be ruling this house from wherever he is on the Chart.  It can be really helpful when reading your chart to think about the Planets as being either in their own home or discover whose home they are staying in.  This gives us a fuller perspective of what's going on and enables us to work better with the chart.  When we work in this way we say we are working with Astrological "Dignities".  

It is like working with Groups.  Only we are working on our Astrology Birth Chart only!  What if the Sun is in Aries in your chart and Mars is in Leo?  Then we call this "Mutual Reception".  But you can just think of it as the Sun being in Mars' home and Mars being in the Sun's home.  If I am staying at your house, and you are staying at my house, it is highly likely both of us will take care with eachother's houses and also be goods hosts to each other.  That's what a Mutual Reception is in Astrology.  Anything that corresponds to either of the planets tends to work harmoniously, or at least supportively, with the things that correspond to the other planet. 

If your Sun is in Aries, you might also look to your House where Scorpio is on the cusp, because Mars co-rules Scorpio also.  You may find that these three areas of your Life as indicated by the Houses offer some support to each other.  For example, if you are having a challenge in your Aries House, then you may find a solution in your Leo or Scorpio Houses.  This kind of reading of your own chart can bring Astrology to life for you so that you can use it practically and have fun as you do. 

If you are an Aries Sun you'll be up and running with this already! 


Sun in Taurus

The Sun in Taurus is now visiting Venus, who is the Ruler of Taurus.  So check where your Venus is situated.  Is she in the Sun's house? A Mutual Reception is a gift, so good to note.  

If we take only the Sun in Taurus we find the Sun now in a Fixed Earth sign.  

Because the Sun wants to support and highlight the attributes of the Sign it is in, in Taurus it will want to warm you on your way to getting what you value.  If that's money then it will highlight opportunities for this.  If that is something to do with creative art projects, then that's what the Sun here will be busy supporting for you.  Taurus is all about practical Earthy possessions, whether these are beautiful works of Art, or a wardrobe full of stylish clothes, or houses, or boats or jets.  

But underneath all of this is the essence of Venus, which is 'value'.  Our resources can also be building up our own inner resources too.  And the Sun in Taurus will bring the tenacious Sun-shine to any task we set for ourselves with this gathering of material assets, or inner resources based on our values. 

Sun in Gemini

Mercury is the Ruler of Gemini and Virgo.  These two are very different.  Gemini is the Twins so we expect everything Gemini does to happen in two's.  Gemini and Virgo homes are not the same.  Both are 'Mutable' or 'changing' modalities, but Gemini is an Air sign, while Virgo is an Earth sign.  Remember the Sun is  the Ruler of a Fire sign.  So what is Mercury in Gemini's house like and how will the Sun behave when he is living there? 

Mercury is funny, clever and chatty.  Mercury zips around on his winged sandals and Mercury get's bored very easily.  Mercury is not tenaciously supportive like the Sun, so Mercury's Gemini house will not be like Leo's house.  But the Sun does want Mercury to shine and will do his best to support Mercury in his choices.   But the Sun in Gemini is not as easy for the Sun.  

So if you have a Sun in Gemini, you may find that you tend to play with Mercury more and maybe you have that yearning to move with your Sun more, if only you had the patience to connect on that level!  Mercury offers you so much activity and entertainment and cuts through issues so quickly it is very hard not to prize Mercury above your Sun as a Gemini.  But we all need to connect with our Sun to self express authentically, which means to 'know thyself' and BE thyself. So the challenge is there for Gemini Sun Signs. 

If you are a Gemini Sun Sign then look to your Leo House to get an idea on how best to connect with your Sun in a more Sun way.  A 'Sextile' Aspect is 60 degrees.  Gemini to Leo using whole sign aspects are two signs apart.  Each sign is 30 degrees, therefore Gemini and Leo are in Sextile to each other.  Sextiles provide "opportunities", but for the opportunities to be realised we have to do something.  We have to be pro-active about doing something.  

Look to your Leo House (or area of Life) and look to the House where your Mercury is in your Birth Chart.  You can also look to your House where Virgo is on the Cusp, which will provide you with more information. 


Sun in Cancer

The Sun in the Moon's house of Cancer is most likely a fascinating journey through life and maybe not for the faint at heart!  Why?  Because wherever the Moon is in the chart will effect the Sun's moods and intentions at any time.  Since the Moon moves 1 degree every two hours, it moves very quickly  through all 12 signs!  Is it any wonder we think of Cancer Suns as being moody or cranky at times, like the 'crab' we attribute as the symbol of Cancer.  

The ancient Egyptians we are told used the Scarab as the symbol of Cancer.  The Scarab moves the Sun around.  

The interplay between the Sun and the Moon is powerful.  The Moon reflects the Sun's light.  But the Moon operating with the Sun gives us the most powerful Eclipses that have the ability to shift many people's lives when they occur. 

Cancer is a Cardinal (or moving) Sign.  The Moon, who is Ruler of Cancer, is the trigger of most events in everyone's lives.  We may have a cluster of planets aspecting each other powerfully, but until the Moon comes along and triggers this configuration, it will mostly remain dormant.  If a New or Full Moon were to fall on this cluster the events that correspond to the particular planetary energies would be more significant again. 

Usually, checking our Leo house will help us to work with our Sun, but when it comes to a Sun in Cancer, it is usually more helpful to look to the House where our Moon is placed and, like a good sincere married man, do our best to comprehend our Moon and pay her respect.  When we do this, whether we ourselves are a man or a woman, then we have a much better chance of satisfying both our Sun's and Moon's needs in our charts and in our lives. 

Because the Sun is in the Moon's House when in Cancer, look also to the House where your Natal Moon is in your Birth Chart.  You will want these two areas of your life to operate in as much harmony as you can muster.  This may not always be easy for sure, but it will most likely be Cyclic for you and you will be able to monitor and get to know the ups and downs of the interplay between these areas of your Life.  They may bring you enormous wins but also put you through some events that challenge you.  For all Cancer Sun's, getting to know the interplay between your Natal Sun and Moon via the Houses will be helpful.  Maybe even Fun! 

Sun in Leo

So, we talked about the Sun at home in Leo already.  Let's add to this for all the Leo's out there!  Leo's Natural House - the 5th House - is the House of Joy and Creativity, including the House of Children.  It is the House of Play.  

The Sun warms our Leo Houses, that is, wherever Leo is on the Cusp, continually.  If you have your Sun in Leo then that House will be where you are yourself warming for yourself and for others.  So if you have a 4th House Leo then you will find yourself making sure that your home is always there providing the base for you and your family.  If Leo is in your 10th House and you are a Leo Sun then you may be ensuring that your Career or Public Life is supported by your ever burning warmth, which keeps the fire kindled for yourself and those you wish to affect.  So as a Leo Sun you provide the heat yourself.  The Sun in Leo in the 10th House may be Royalty, especially if their Sun is close to the Star Regulus.  

Look at the House where your Sun in Leo sits.  You will be responsible for providing the heat there in that area of your life.  Most likely others will notice this.  If you have Leo in the 3rd house then you may have a great sense of humour, or use your voice to warm those around you,  or maybe you are a taxi driver, providing transport for others.  

Sun in Virgo

The Sun in Virgo is now in Mercury's other home.  In Virgo Mercury is given the task to sift through lots of practical stuff, that can seem very tedious to Mercury.  In order to sift through things so that they can manifest practically, Mercury must use his gift of mind as well as his gifts of movement and service.  Mercury loves his air sign of Gemini home because being lighter than air he can flit here, there and everywhere.  In Virgo he is often confined to Earth, even though he gets to shift a lot of Earth as he sifts through things! Virgo is Mutable Earth.  So Virgo Earth changes, as Mercury discerns what is worth keeping and what is not helpful.  The Sun here really helps Mercury with his work, which is a real service to many, even though at times it doesn't seem to go anywhere at all.  

If it weren't for the Sun in Virgo maybe no-one would do this work and we'd all miss out on applying some common logic to our decisions about our own behaviours!  

Luckily the Sun here does really help Mercury with this task and for Virgo's it is actually quite enjoyable!  Because Virgo is an intellectual sign, each hour spent doing the work yields better and better harvests.  The sign of Virgo is the Virgin harvesting the wheat from the chaff.  The more these craftspeople analyse all the bits and pieces inside the whole bit, and demand their fruits of their labour to be acknowledged, (Virgo's are often accused of 'nagging'), the more good raw materials we all have to work with to make better and better decisions about things!  Other Sun Signs are busy with other things and often need to address their Virgo House consciously to accept the enormous gifts from Virgo Sun Signs! 

Virgo is mostly about Integrity.  The analysis, the separation of the wheat from the chaff, the thoughtfulness and the physical dexterity of checking our bodies, minds and spirits is all about Integrity.  Integrity means to integrate all things to make 'whole', or 'wholesome'.  Look to the House where Leo is on the Cusp to find the area where the Sun is bringing its warmth from to assist you to do what you have chosen to do.  Virgo Sun's will do this work whether they are paid or not, but because they analyse and assess they will most likely ensure they are paid! 

Virgo is the last House before we move into the other hemisphere of the Astrology Chart.  We draw the western astrology birth chart anti-clockwise so we say that in the 6th House, Virgo's Natural House, we become integrated in ourselves, ready to embark on the journey outward to meet anOther.  In Astrotheology, we run the chart clockwise so that in Virgo we are preparing for the cold weather by ensuring we have our harvest to see us through.  So Virgo's work is to ensure life can be sustained through the months when the Sun shines less and things are not so easy to grow.  

Virgo Sun's can also look to the house where Gemini is on the cusp, Mercury's other house, for some assistance.   

Sun in Libra

The Sun in Libra is not a happy Sun until he is able to partner with another fully integrated Sun who knows their worth.  Until then, he must play the game of harmonising with AnOther.  Libra is the scales of partnership.  In partnerships there must be balance, something Leo Sun's may find difficult but Libran Sun's are acutely aware of!  In Libra the Sun must at times subdue itself to allow anOther's Sun to shine brighter, if they aren't yet bright enough.  

The Sun in Libra is not about diminishing your light to harmonise with another's light.  It is about allowing anOther's light to shine brighter and brighter so that you can shine yours brighter and brighter.  

Sometimes, those with Libran Suns forget this and subdue their own light in order to find balance.  They cannot sustain this of course and the relationship usually ends. And it can work the other way also.  Maybe they find anOther's Sun shines too bright for theirs and instead of shining their own brighter to harmonise, they simply move away to find someone they currently 'balance' with.  

Tony Robbins is an interesting example of how Libra can work in our charts, because we all have Libra in our charts!  Tony is a Pisces Sun, not a Libra Sun, but his Rising Sign (how we 'bring it') is Libra.  Tony has spent most of his life 'bringing it' to people everywhere to get them to feel confident, healthy and alive, in other words, to let their Sun shine very very bright!  In this way Tony will be able to keep shining his Sun but do so with the balance that is needed by Libran Sun Signs.  

Tony's Leo house is the 11th, the house of hopes, dreams and wishes, the people, and the house where good counsellors who help people realise their own strengths, are said to come from.  The data for Tony's chart can be found on astro.com.

Librans want relationships to work well.  They will invite you to their home.  They will make sure that parties are fun.  They will make sure to walk around and greet everyone and check that everyone is happy and the room remains in harmony.  They will hide anything that is not conducive to great Harmony!  They will often take lots of time when choosing something because their variables are not just about what makes them happy, but what might make harmony for everyone.  Obviously, a Libran Sun who does not elevate his own Sunshine Leo style will forever cling to a 'status quo' once he or she finds one.  

What House is your Sun in Libra in?  This is Venus' house of Value of every Human BEing.  You know this instinctively and need not be told.  But in the manifesting of what's required to ensure that Harmony prevails then this will be the house where you might want to check to see if you are shining your light as brightly as you can.  This then may lose you some of the friends you currently have.  Maybe even a relationship.  But when one door closes another opens. Either bring the people up to shine in this area of your life, so you can shine, or go find others who shine brighter than you so you can rise up further in this area of your Life.  

Look to where Leo's House is in your Astrology Birth Chart.  Remember that if your light shines brighter then if you keep shining then others will rise to meet you.  It doesn't automatically follow that you will lose them. It could be better and better for both of you!


Sun in Scorpio

Scorpio is Ruled by Mars and Pluto.  Mars is in 'Harmony' in the Sun's house of Leo.  Pluto is 'Exalted' in Leo!  The Sun is 'Exalted' in Mars' Aries house!  So we can safely say that Mars and the Sun are good buddies and Pluto, God of the underworld is welcome in the Sun's Leo House.   But that doesn't mean there won't be some scrapes and scuffles because Leo is in 'Square' Aspect to Scorpio!  You might say that Leo and Scorpio have Respect for each other, and in a fight with anyone outside they have each others' backs! Scorpio is likely to run in front of Leo and slay the dragon for him before he even gets there, in some cases!  But the issues arise when Leo and Scorpio have a bone to pick with each other.  These are two Fixed modalities.  Both are happy to stay the distance ... indefinitely! So they both better find a way to make an either/or into an and/and in any conflict between the Scorpio Sun house and the Leo house in their Astrology Birth Chart! 

How? If Scorpio is on your 10th House of career and public standing, the achievements you wish to make may be challenged by your Leo 7th house of partnerships.  The 7th house is also the house of 'open enemies'.  It makes sense in this configuration because Leo's don't hide.  How can the sun hide?  It illuminates everything.  If you want to do well and this is your placement then keep your partner happy, and try to negotiate with your open enemies.  Find out what they want.  Because there is a natural respect between these two signs then negotiations are possible.  

What if your Scorpio House is in your 4th House of home?  Then your Leo House will be in your 1st House of you 'bringing it'!  So any issues in the 4th may be due to your behaviour.  Look at your own behaviour for solutions in this case. 

If Scorpio is in your 5th House then your children and your possessions (maybe the gifts and resources you support them with), will be the two areas that are significantly connected.  

Scorpio Suns will want to go into stealth mode due to Pluto's co-rule.  Often Pluto can be utilised better through comprehending the actual essences, or sub-conscious motivations (a Pluto thing) of what is taking place, rather than a downright stealth operation of war upon another.  Which, in the long run helps no-one.  

Look also to your Aries house (area of life) for help with any challenges.  Otherwise, enjoy the enormous amount of Power that this combination offers. 


Sun in Sagittarius

The Sun is happy in Jupiter's House.  Zeus does not have a confidence problem! The Sun here is meeting up with a buddy who is ready to fire on all cylinders in all directions!  And that often means travel, higher learning, writing and philosophising!  If Jupiter / Zeus is 'pissed off' he can be a bit judgmental and fire an arrow and hurt someone, but he pretty soon welcomes his victim back into the fold for a good hearty laugh, or maybe a trip abroad.  So mind those arrows before you fire them.  People can get hurt and may not want to accept your offer of friendship afterwards. 

If you have your Sun in Sagittarius in your 5th House, then you would most likely have your Leo House as the 1st House.  This could easily make you an Actor, or Entertainer as you combine 'bringing it' with tenacious 'creativity'.  It coudl also make you a sportsman or woman.   

If your Sagittarius is in the 9th House, (which is its Natural House), then you may indeed be that intrepid adventurer and travel the Earth.  

Jupiter also co-rules Pisces.  So if you have your Sun in Sagittarius then also look to your Leo House and your Pisces House to help you realise your own Sun centre!  Exercise a little caution with Pisces because it is a bit of a nebulous house.  Neptune rules over illusions as well as unconditional Love.  ;)  My advice to you would be to start with just the Sagittarius and Leo Houses, then carefully open up your Pisces House but use your Sun to shine on it before stepping in fool hardy.  


Sun in Capricorn

The Sun in Capricorn (Cardinal or Moving Earth), is the Sun in Saturn's House.  If you recall what we talked about for Sun in Cancers how the Sun and the Moon operate as a Team, it will be interesting for you to note that in Capricorn the Sun is opposite the Moon's Sign of Cancer.  In Aquarius the Sun is opposite the Sun's Sign of Leo.  Both Capricorn and Aquarius are Ruled by Saturn, who opposes the Sun. 

In Astro-theology there is a lot to say about the Sun and Saturn opposing each other, especially through the shortest darkest days of the year in Capricorn time in the Northern Hemisphere!   

Saturn and Mars are held up as the 'Malefics' that is the planets that bring us the most pain when in their mood to do so.  Saturn is about chronic challenges.  Challenges that stop us in our tracks from moving forward.  Mars is about accidents that can happen that are usually much more short lived but acutely felt and dealt with.  

Because of these kinds of interpretations Saturn has had a very bad wrap throughout the ages!  However, Saturn co-rules Aquarius with Uranus, which we will deal with under the Sun in Aquarius next.  But Aquarius is always about Human BEings and usually our emancipation from whatever has been holding us back!  So here we discover that Saturn's delays are not Saturn's refusals.  And in Saturn's House of Capricorn our Sun works slowly and meticulously, keeping that fireplace stoked for the longest periods of time, while Saturn, the Old Teacher of the Planets, makes sure that we learn our lessons well so that step by step we climb that mountain! 

Saturn usually works through Systems, so you may be utilising systems in the House where your Capricorn Sign cusps.  Systems can keep us on track. 

To keep a goal alive for long periods of time the Fixed Fire of Leo must be present!  So Capricorns look to your Leo House for the inspiration that will support Saturn to take and accomplish the long goals!  Be vigilant, because if you take a wrong path, then Saturn will do something to make you realise it is a wrong path and you will be stopped in your tracks, maybe for extended periods of time until you wake up to what's happening! 

This brings us to Koans.  The stories where seemingly bad things happen to people but it turns out that because of these bad things happening, good things were made way for! Like the one about the guy who broke his leg ... oh they said poor thing.  No his father told them.  He didn't have to go to war because he broke his leg.  Better to have broken his leg than lost his life!  

So Capricorn is Ruled by Saturn.  And here Saturn is housing the Sun, so look to your Leo house.  Even though Mars is not involved in this equation, Mars is 'exalted' in Capricorn so watch also for any Transits by Mars, or Aspects with Mars in your Birth Chart, to help this longer vision manifest!  Mars by Transit can bring some momentum to your quest at those times to shift you along.  Like hitching a ride in a fast car to make some of the distance move faster.  :) 


Sun in Aquarius

Aquarius is Ruled by Saturn and Uranus.  So here the Sun is in a different Saturn House.  Here he is staying in a house where Saturn and Uranus agreed upon the decor and the functionality. 

For sure there will be a few computers because Aquarius is a futuristic sign, always testing the boundaries, or should I say, always beyond the boundaries!  Uranus brings the Wisdom from places Saturn rarely gets to glimpse, but Saturn is the one who has to pull this together into some kind of system so that it can be manifested on the planet!  Order and Chaos, and then some more Order and then some more Chaos ... and on and on.  With each new round more Wisdom is brought through to be distributed to the masses.  Because the Natural House of Aquarius is the 11th of Hopes, Dreams Wishes and the People in aggregate.  

Aquarians might seem detached but that's only because they know they are deeply connected to the masses!  And they can't ever escape this knowledge.  Once you know you know, so to speak.  

This can drive other signs a little crazy, especially Leo's, who know that without their continuously stoking the ever burning flame of Life there can be no Life.  

So the Sun in Aquarius is opposite your Leo House in your Birth Chart.  Oppositions can have a back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, in order to find Wisdom and Enlightenment for your Sun Self and for all other Individuals who make up this big 11th House!

If you are working in a Group of People towards some end then you will be dealing with these kinds of cycles. 

Look to your Leo House.  Look to your Capricorn House.  Be willing to completely and quickly discard anything that doesn't serve you or doesn't serve other Individuals.  Uranus will not let you create a large system that harms another Individual (Leo) and will make you aware of this with illuminating 'awakeness'.  This is what we are all seeing now in our World!  As we begin the Age or Aeon of Aquarius! 

If you have your Sun in Aquarius then hold on through this very bumpy ride we are all on.  You will definitely be 'feeling' it!  Even though 'feeling' is not your forte! Since Aquarius is a Mind sign, Fixed Air. The 'idea' whose time has come! 


Sun in Pisces 

We should all know a lot about Pisces because we have lived through the Pisces Aeon for a couple of thousand years now.  Pisces is the place where we can be most impressionable, where we can believe lies, because why would anyone lie anyway?  Given that we know we are all One ultimately, lying only harms Self while harming others.  But although we all know this deep down, hidden in our 12th House which is the Natural place of Pisces, we mostly don't think about it.  So, in our goodness, we are fooled.  Aquarius through Uranus and Saturn has now awakened us to the worst of sacrificial Pisces traits.  

But what if your Sun is in Pisces?  Is there no place left for you today now that we have shifted to Aquarius?  Not at all.  For in the wisdom of Pisces we have equipped ourselves with the ability to move forward.  And there remains a lot of Pisces to keep alive, even as a benchmark, for Pisces Rulers Jupiter and Neptune remain very much alive! 

So what does this mean if your Sun is at Jupiter and Neptune's place of Pisces?  If you look around you'll most likely find that the place is a bit messy at times, but that's only while a new piece of amazing Art is being created.  It changes into an oasis of Unconditional Love and Beauty from where you might never want to leave. 

Pisces' home is full of celestial music and fine Art.  No harsh statement art here but plenty of Impressionists like Renoir and Monet.  And maybe they melt into actual cascades of flowers and singing angels too!  It is a place of meditation and a state of consciousness that has powerful potential to expand our world beyond anything we might imagine, but also trick us into thinking that the meta-verse holds any truth.  

To keep your feet on the ground make sure to check your Leo House and connect to this area of your life.  Likewise, Jupiter's other House of Sagittarius may be helpful to manifest some of this stuff to earth rather than just using it as an escape.  What makes your heart sing? That feels grounded? 



Every planet Rules at least one House or area of your life, and this can be worked out by checking the Sign on the Cusp of that House. 

By checking this chart below you can discover by the small sigils beside the sigil for each sign, which planet that is.  Here is a list if this is  not clear. 

  • Aries - ruled by Mars
  • Taurus - ruled by Venus
  • Gemini - ruled by Mercury
  • Cancer - ruled by the Moon
  • Leo - ruled by the Sun
  • Virgo - ruled by Mercury
  • Libra - ruled by Venus
  • Scorpio - ruled by Mars and Pluto
  • Sagittarius - ruled by Jupiter
  • Capricorn - ruled by Saturn
  • Aquarius - ruled by Saturn and Uranus
  • Pisces - ruled by Jupiter and Neptune 

Each Planet has its own personality, gifts and abilities it brings. 

When it is in its own Sign it is free to BE itself. 

When it is in another Planet's Sign it operates from that Planet's home, so behaves a little differently, just as you would if you were working out of your friend's home rather than your own.  Some other Planet's homes may work well, others not so well, and some may even restrict a planet from expressing itself for you.  In the latter case you need to find ways around this and there are always helpful agencies in your birth chart to do this. 

We focused on the Sun only because the Sun provides you with the essence of your Self, that yearns to be expressed. 

Whatever Sign and House your Sun resides, you can always look to your Leo House for help. 


What are all the Planets like? And what do they do in the Astrological Birth Chart? 

Now that you have a way to work out what the Sun is doing in your Birth Chart you can apply the same process to the Moon and all the other Planets.  Here are the symbols (sigils) for each Planet and some information to get you started. 


The Moon rules Cancer.   

The Moon is exalted in Taurus so loves being there.  Taurus is ruled by Venus. 

The Moon also likes being in Pisces.  Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. 

The Moon has some challenges in Capricorn, Scorpio and Virgo, which are ruled by Saturn, Mars/Pluto and Mercury consecutively. 

To help the Moon where she isn't flowing easily look to how she is working with Saturn, Mars, Pluto and Mercury and especially look to those areas of your Birth Chart where Capricorn, Scorpio and Virgo are on the Cusps. 

Always check the House where Cancer is on the Cusp to find out where the Moon rules in your Birth Chart.  Like Leo does for the Sun, Cancer will do for your Moon. 

Introducing the Moon: 

  • The Moon triggers most events that happen in our Lives.
  • The Moon can represent the Mother. 
  • The Moon rules Cancer, which is a Cardinal Water Sign. 
  • The Moon is how we Nurture others.  Cancer's House is often how we like to be Nurtured by others.  Look to both of these Houses to explore nurturing in your own Life. 
  • To comprehend how the Moon affects us learn about the Moon's cycle.  
  • The New Moon starts a project. 
  • The First Quarter Moon presents an obstacle to be overcome. 
  • The Full Moon is now blooming for all to see. 
  • The Closing Quarter Moon presents another obstacle to be overcome. 
  • The waning last degrees of the Moon are a time where you can discard the project in preparedness for a new one, or complete it to your satisfaction and made a decision to take it further into new cycles.  
  • The Dark of the Moon is a gestation period where something is about to be born. 
  • The Moon makes its cycles monthly, as well as longer Moon cycles such as the two and a half year cycle of the Moon.  Soros cycles last much longer.  The Moon's Cycle can be learned and applied to other planet's cycles to comprehend the ebbs and flows of projects and events in our Lives. 
  • Some calendars are Moon based calendars. 
  • Some societies were matrilineal rather than patrilineal and worshiped the Moon rather than the Sun. 
  • When other planets are in Cancer in your Birth Chart, or by Transit, the Moon's Transits and Progressions will affect them, often emotionally, since water corresponds to emotions. 


Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo and can operate fully in either of these two Houses (areas of your Life), as long as no other obstructions are revealed. 

Mercury is exalted in Aquarius (Uranus being the 'Higher Octave' of Mercury).

Mercury is also happy in Scorpio. 

Mercury is not happy in the homes of Sagittarius, Pisces, Leo or Taurus, so if here look to the Houses where those signs are on the cusp and consider how you can work with these and your Virgo and Gemini Houses.  

Introducing Mercury: 

  • Mercury is how we think.
  • Mercury is the planet of transport, doing business and communication. 
  • Mercury moves pretty quickly and goes Retrograde from time to time.  At these times we are given the opportunity to 're-think' or go back and 're-do' things to get them right. 
  • Mercury is very clever.  Mercury is a lot of fun. 
  • Mercury is the swift thinker of Gemini who can come up with the solutions quickly.  
  • Mercury is the intellectual thinker of Virgo who will work through the variables to come up with even better answers often, if he doesn't get stuck in the detail. 
  • Mercury is how we talk.  Are we chatter boxes because we have a Mercury in Gemini?  Or are we quiet because our Mercury is in Scorpio?  For example.  


Venus rules Taurus and Libra and therefore free flows her gifts through these signs. Fixed Earth and Cardinal Air signs consecutively. 
Venus is exalted in Pisces and is happy in Aquarius. 
Venus doesn't like being in Virgo, Aries or Scorpio so we have to work with the Houses where these are on the Cusp if Venus is in one of these Houses. 
Look to Taurus and Libra Houses (areas of your Life) to assist you with your Venus. 
Introducing Venus: 
  • Primarily Venus is about Value.  This is her essence.  The value of every Human BEing is the message of Venus. 
  • Venus expresses this through Art and Possessions often. 
  • Venus is BEauty.  Venus' symbol of the pentagram contains the Golden Mean measurement of a Rose (Venus' favourite flower).  
  • Venus is referred to as a Benefic.  This means she is one of the two Benefics (Jupiter is the other one).  A Benefic bestows good fortune.  She and Jupiter gain primacy depending upon whether you are born at night or during the daylight hours.  
  • Venus is the Goddess of Beauty and she can make you look beautiful. 
  • Venus is in charge of Love and Money and she can bestow these fortunes or help you access them. 
Mars rules Aries and co-rules Scorpio with Pluto.  So Mars loves being in these Signs.  Aries is Cardinal Fire and Scorpio is Fixed Water. 
Mars finds it all a bit difficult or clumsy in Libra, Taurus, Cancer and Aquarius so if your Mars is in these signs then look to Aries and Scorpio Houses to see how these areas of your Life interact.  Mars is our action. So it is important that we give our Mars some respect to act when necessary. 
Introducing Mars: 
  • Mars is our impulse to Live.  
  • Mars is in charge of the initial Growth spurts of any project we undertake. 
  • Mars is an honest impulse.  It is all about energy and action. 
  • Mars can be a warrior, an athlete or even a dancer.  Mars is essential to Life. 
Jupiter rules Sagittarius.  Jupiter co-rules Pisces (with Neptune).  Jupiter thrives in these signs larger than life! 
Jupiter does not like being in Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn or Scorpio much so check the relationship between Sagittarius and whichever of these your Jupiter sits, if it does, to find good solutions to enable Jupiter better more positive expressions. 
Introducing Jupiter: 
  • Jupiter is called the Great Benefic because he is said to bring great luck where he is.  
  • Jupiter will expand anything he touches. 
  • The House containing Jupiter will be a Big area of life for you, or hold significance. 
  • Jupiter helps us to be positive enough to take on the world! 
  • Jupiter is about our beliefs.
  • Jupiter is the largest Planet and does things in big ways usually. 
Saturn rules Capricorn.  Saturn Co-Rules Aquarius with Uranus.  Saturn loves being in both these signs and operates well here. 
Saturn is exalted in Libra and happy in Virgo also. 
Saturn isn't as happy in Leo or Cancer, Aries or Pisces.  So if your Saturn is in the Houses where these signs are on the cusp then check the relationships between Capricorn and Aquarius with the House(s) concerned. 
Introducing Saturn: 
  • Saturn is the Teacher
  • Saturn is the Mountain Goat that gets us to the top of our achievements.
  • Saturn uses restriction and blockage in order to get us back on track when we get off track. 
  • Saturn feels heavy and slow even when he is making progress.  Sometimes we have to look back from the top of the mountain to truly appreciate the gifts Saturn brings us. 
  • Saturn is all about Systems and Saturn and Mercury are working well together we have the proverbial Teacher/Student combination, which can help us enormously in life. 
Uranus is the first of what we call the Outer Planets.  Uranus was recognized during times of Revolution.  
Uranus rules Aquarius, with Saturn.  Uranus is exalted in Gemini (which is ruled by Mercury).  Uranus is called the Higher octave of Mercury and they share a special relationship when Uranus provides the intuition and widsom and Mercury picks this up and runs with it. 
Uranus is not crazy about being in Leo, Sagittarius or Aries.  So if in these signs check your Aquarius Cusped House for help to allow Uranus to work well in your Life.  
  • Uranus currently figures significantly in all our Lives as it is in Taurus bringing in all kinds of change to all of us! 
  • Uranus can be futuristic or eccentric. 
  • Uranus resonates with Lightening strikes.
  • Uranus can be disruptive in order to bring change. 
  • Uranus rules Astrology, most likely because Uranus is about higher knowledge and intuition, and symbolism.


Neptune rules Pisces, with Jupiter.  Neptune in Pisces can create symphonies or art that is other-worldly.  Neptune is the stuff of angels with guitars in Pisces. 
Because Neptune co-rules Pisces with Jupiter Neptune is happy to hang out in Sagittarius also, which is ruled by Jupiter.  Neptune is also happy hanging out with the Moon in her sign of Cancer.  Neptune is the Mutable water of the oceans.  The Moon brings the tides of the oceans.  They work well together. 
Neptune isn't great in Virgo, Gemini or Capricorn.  Neptune can make logic and reality quite fuzzy here in these signs. 
Introducing Neptune: 
  • Neptune is the Higher Octave of Venus and rules Unconditional Love
  • Neptune rules gambling and all forms of self deceit and delusion
  • Neptune rules celestial music and out of this world imaginative art, especially water colours. 
  • Neptune rules drug or alcohol induced states of illusion. 
Pluto rules Scorpio with Mars co-ruling.  Pluto loves being in Scorpio where it can go beneath the surface of things to know the secrets and foundational knowledge of what many cannot see, or don't want to learn. 
Pluto is also fine in Leo and Aries, where the Sun rules and is exalted.  Both these signs are honest and raw so Pluto cannot go any deeper than the 'what is' of the Sun and Mars.  
Pluto can be problematic for Taurus, Aquarius and Libra, creating some obsessive bottomless over possessive traps in the Venus ruled signs of Taurus and Libra, and just generally incompatible with the Fixed Air of Aquarius.    If Pluto is in these signs in your birth chart then look to Scorpio's House as well as Leo's House for some helpful ideas, because Pluto always bears gifts, but sometimes you have to dig deep to find them! 
Introducing Pluto: 
  • Pluto has composite symbols. Pluto in Scorpio can be the scorpion.  Pluto goes into the Ashes then rises as the Phoenix.  Pluto is then the Dove of spiritual heights.  Above all Pluto is transformation. 
  • Pluto is the Tower Card of the Tarot blowing things up but leaving the Truthful Foundations intact.  Pluto in its spiritual pursuits will use deceit and intrigue in order to destroy deceit and find Truth and transformation. 
  • Pluto can feel like a bottomless pit of desire that nothing can fill. 
  • Pluto can be obsessive and possessive. 
  • Pluto can be dangerous and even harmful to our very souls.
  • Sometimes Pluto is the nightmare where we meet our monsters in order for them to show us that they have gifts for us because we were brave enough to deal with them. 
  • Pluto is god of the underworld and deals with things like Psychology and Spiritualism. 



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