Learn how to read the Aspects in your Charts

If you haven't already gone through the first two "Learn how to read ..." lessons on Houses and Planets, then you will want to do that before you embark on the Aspects.  Because when Planets Aspect each other, they do so from certain places (Houses, Signs, Elements and Modalities) to other places on your chart.  This applies whether you are reading Aspects from Transiting Planets, or Aspects Natal to Natal in your Birth Chart.  

Here is the upcoming Lunar Eclipse Chart.  If you look at the coloured lines in the centre of the Chart, these are showing us some 'Aspects'.  

Aspects are also shown in the following diagram:  (This diagram is not partnered with this Eclipse Chart.)

The small numbers and letters under each sigil for the Aspect tells us what Orb has been applied to the specific aspect. An Orb is just a distance away from the exact aspect degree.  We will get to this shortly. 

0A54 would mean that one planet was "approaching" the exact aspect and was only 54 minutes away from exact. 

4S06 would mean that one planet was "separating" away from the exact aspect, which has already been achieved.  The distance here is 4 degrees 6 minutes of separation. 

This table looks very busy but is actually simple to read. 

If there is a Square drawn in a square, run up and to the side to locate the two planets, or points involved in this Aspect.  They will be in 'Square' to each other.  If there is an * drawn in the square, run up and to the side to locate the two planets that are in 'Sextile' to each other.  

You can refer to this table as you work through the following. 

What do you need to know to identify what the Aspects are in an Astrology Chart? 

Aspects are measurements based on the distance between any two planets or sensitive spots on the chart.  So the basics of knowing what Aspects are is knowing the degrees that represent each Aspect. 

The First Harmonic is the Conjunction Aspect

A Conjunction Aspect is where the points are on the same spot or close beside each other.  Conjunctions are exact when they are at the same degree, or zero degrees apart. 

In the Chart below you can see there are clusters of sigils close together.  If you look to the right side of the chart you will see some in Pisces below the horizon and more in Pisces and Aries above the horizon.  If you look to the 8th House you will see Jupiter is moving closer towards Uranus in Taurus. 

To decide whether or not planets are "Conjunct" we must make our decision about what "Orb" we will use.  The "Orb" is simply the number of degrees we decide to work with, that, to our own experience and knowledge causes the energies of both planets involved to start working together in the full force of what we know of as a Conjunction Aspect.  Orbs will vary for you depending on the planets and points involved, the system you use, and the kinds of charts you are reading at any time.  But let's keep this simple for now.  For now I am just going to give you a template to start you off.  As you begin to recognize the movements yourself you will adjust your orbs accordingly.  

Because the Conjunction is such a powerful aspect start with the following orbs when reading Conjunction Events: 

  • Conjunctions involving the Sun and Moon - Allow up to a 10-12 degree Orb
  • Conjunctions involving all other Planets and key points - Allow up to an 8-10 degree Orb
  • Conjunctions involving Asteroids - Allow only a degree or two. 

So in this Lunar Eclipse Chart, Jupiter is Conjunct Uranus.  With an Orb of less than 5 degrees as at the date of the Lunar Eclipse.  Because Jupiter is moving towards Uranus (which is the slower planet here) Jupiter is "Approaching" Uranus.  So there is a "build up" of energy between these two.  This is a key Aspect for 2024 because it is between these two heavy weights!  Jupiter the Major Benefic (expansion, luck, good stuff) mixed with Uranus (insight, sudden events, wisdom, intuition). 

When a Planet "Approaches" an exact Aspect, the energy builds.  When a Planet "Separates" away from an exact Aspect, the energy subsides.  

Jupiter Conjunct Uranus would be shown with the Conjunct Sigil inside the square diagram, linking Jupiter and Uranus.  Underneath would read 4A32, which stands for 4 degrees 32 minutes is the orb between where Jupiter is now as it relates to where Uranus is now.  The 'A' stands for "approach".  Jupiter moves faster than Uranus so it will approach and then reach Uranus to make an exact Conjunction.  Then it will begin to move past Uranus and the numbers underneath the Conjunction sigil will begin to show 'S' for "separating".  

What other Conjunctions can you identify in this Chart?

If you look at this chart here, I have entered names for some of the Planets, Dwarf Planets and Asteroids and Moon's Nodes.  

Jupiter is CONJUNCT (A) Uranus
Orb = <5 Degrees
Venus is Conjunct Saturn (Separating)
Orb = <4 Degrees
Mercury is Conjunct Chiron (Separating)
Orb = 5 Degrees 6 Minutes
Chiron is a Centaur, not a Planet.

The Sun is Conjunct the North Node with an Orb of 10 Degrees 27 Minutes. The Moon is Conjunct the South Node with an orb of 10 Degrees 27 Minutes. The Sun/Moon positions conjunct the North/South Nodes tell us that this is an Eclipse.

The Diagram below has nothing to do with the Eclipse Chart.  It is being used for illustration purposes only. 

In this Diagram table we can tell that it belongs to a New Moon Chart, because the Sun and Moon are shown with an Exact Conjunction Aspect.  0A00.  And the sigil for the Conjunction Aspect, which is a circle with a small straight line coming from it.  



We can also tell from this diagram that Mercury was Conjunct the Sun/Moon Conjunction point also, but that Mercury was separating from its Conjunction with the Sun and Moon's point by 5 degrees, 16 minutes. How do we know this?  Because under the Conjunction sigil it reads:  5S16 = 5 Degrees and 16 Minutes "S" Separating.

The Second Harmonic is the Opposition Aspect

In the "Eclipse Chart" shown again below, we are looking at a Lunar Eclipse, which is a Full Moon Eclipse.  When there is a Full Moon the Moon is always Opposite, or in Opposition Aspect, to the Sun.  So the Moon and Sun are Opposite each other.  Because a Circle contains 360 degrees mathematically, then the Opposition must be 180 degrees.  And indeed the Sun and Moon here are shown to be exactly opposite each other at the 5 degrees 7 minutes points of the opposing signs of Libra and Aries.  A deep red line with the opposition sigil in the middle of it denotes this on this chart.  


Because the Opposition is also a powerful aspect start with the following orbs when reading Opposition Events also: 

  • Oppositions involving the Sun and Moon - Allow up to a 10-12 degree Orb
  • Oppositions involving all other Planets and key points - Allow up to an 8-10 degree Orb
  • Oppositions involving Asteroids - Allow only a degree or two. 

 The Third Harmonic is the Trine Aspect

The number three has always been a magical number.  The Trinity of anything usually incorporates a capacity for Creative impulse that unfolds in its majesty.  Three is about that unfoldment.  The Trine is the 120 Degree angle, or one third of the 360 degree circle.  

The Trine often brings luck, or those times when the Universe just steps in and brings good fortune.  Because the cycle moves around from Opening Square (90 degrees) towards a Trine of 120 degrees, often we may find that Trine energies are bestowed upon us after we have done something to deserve them.  If we are born with them then we may not be able to say why we deserve such good luck, but yet it continues to arrive in ways the planets in Trine suggest! Some people believe that good deeds in a past life have brought Trines to the charts of these people in this Life.  

When two planets are in Trine to each other, they flow together, helping each other.  The attributes of each planet will effortlessly flow with each other. 

The Trine may not feel particularly powerful, in the sense that we normally think about what power is, because it comes easily.  But the 3rd Harmonic is a powerful Harmonic so if you are lucky enough to have a Trine or two don't under-estimate what you might do with it! Stay with these Orbs for the Trine also.  

  • Trines involving the Sun and Moon - Allow up to a 10-12 degree Orb
  • Trines involving all other Planets and key points - Allow up to an 8-10 degree Orb
  • Trines involving Asteroids - Allow only a degree or two. 


OK.  Interesting, this Lunar Eclipse on 25 March 2024, has the Moon being Opposed by all those planets over there with the Sun.  But Pluto, God of the underworld, is in Trine with the Moon.  If the Moon is the common people then Pluto is helping us.  How do we tap in to that help?  

This is even more interesting when we consider that Pluto is often the scary monster of our nightmares.  But here that scary monster is timed to help us with some very fortunate, serious assistance! What might that be in your Life?  The scary monster isn't the monster.  The monster is entirely different to what we perceive him to be.  This scariest of monsters is actually a thunderous amount of Power there for us to tap into when joined with the Moon in Trine! And we can easily tap this Power during this Eclipse!  And if your Birth Chart has a Moon/Pluto Trine then you can tap it often throughout your Life. This might be a signature for getting to information before it happens, since the Moon is very much about the "forming" but not yet manifested process of creation.  Of whatever it is you are creating! 

With Pluto's ingression into Aquarius this Aspect makes sense at this time.  The whole Aeon is changing now.  Pluto, rather than simply being destructive offers us the power to mould the future!  He is right there.  Look to your Aquarius House this month.  Be extra Brave because Pluto has your back.  You may be very surprised by how much backing you actually have this month!  You may not see it but you will truly feel it!  Just realise it is in wonderful harmony with the Moon.  Pluto may just be the Dove after the fall that elevates us to heights we could only dream of before! Pluto in Trine to the Moon at this time is what we call a very good Omen.  

What Trines do you have in your own Birth Chart?  

The Fourth Harmonic is the Square Aspect


In this Diagram, Saturn is Square to Uranus 0A41.  Saturn is slower than Uranus so it is first.  It is 90 degrees from Uranus, less 41 minutes.  So we can tell from this diagram that if Uranus were at 23 degrees of Taurus, then Saturn would be at 22 deg 19 mins of either Aquarius or Leo.  You would easily see this from the Chart itself. 

Squares often bring conflict.  It is like two energies are meeting right at a straight angle.  One comes from the side, horizontally.  One comes from the bottom up vertically.  Neither will move for the other.  Squares can be volatile and unexpected, but can also just provide us with a challenge we have to take care of.  And we have to think outside the box because the data will tell us that these two energies just butt heads if we don't seek and find better solutions! 

The Square Aspect is 90 Deg.   Yes.  Another powerful Aspect. 

  • Squares involving the Sun and Moon - Allow up to a 10-12 degree Orb
  • Squares involving all other Planets and key points - Allow up to an 8-10 degree Orb
  • Squares involving Asteroids - Allow only a degree or two. 

The Fifth Harmonic is the Quintile

The Quintile is a fascinating aspect, derived from Venus' movement, which tracks a pentagram.  The sigil for the quintile is usually a pale blue Q with a small number with it.  There are 5 points to the pentagram.  The pentagram aspect will be measured every 72 degrees, since 72 x 5 - 360 degrees, which is the full circle. 

When we consider that 'the Golden Mean', or the Fibonarchi model, is based on this harmonic we can easily comprehend that there is something magical about this aspect.   The measurement of the golden mean represents the construction of a rose, of an ornate cathedral, of Beauty itself.  

Some famous artists have significant Fifth Harmonic Quintile Aspects.  

Because this is subtle the orbs preferred for this Aspect are usually very tight, sometimes only 1-2 degrees of orb. 

Below we see a Mercury Saturn Quintile with an orb of 2 degrees and 20 minutes. 


The Sixth Harmonic is the Sextile

60 degrees goes into 360 degrees 6 times, so the Sextile is the Sixth Harmonic.  The Sextile is shown as an *. 

Neptune and Pluto here provide some kind of Opportunity to be taken up in those areas of the chart where Neptune and Pluto reside, to do with those events and things that resonate to these energies. 

The Sextile is drawn like an asterisk symbol.  The Orb shown here is 2 degrees 22 minutes and the opportunity is falling away because it is 'separating', so hurry up we would tell our client if this was a transit by Neptune Sextiling their Natal Pluto! 

The Sesqui-Square

A Sesqui-Square is usually drawn as a Square with a small line through the bottom.  It looks like the letter Q but a square Q.  It represents 90 degrees plus 45 degrees or one and one half squares.  So the degree angle is 135 degrees. 

Here we see that Saturn and the Moon have a Sesqui-Square Aspect.  Saturn also has one with the Sun because we see right at the top there the Moon and Sun are at the 'New Moon' Conjunction with each other.  

Sesqui-Squares are not easy aspects.  But they are extremely helpful in the long run.  These tend to break up existing situations, sometimes with repeat knocks, until old patterns can no longer be maintained.  It can be a bit like having a bad habit but the Universe is going to kick you up the proverbial every time to do it, until you don't do it!  If that means your life falls apart until you learn then so be it.  There are times that happen in our lives when we need to change in order to open up to the next phases of our lives.  Sometimes we get so used to either good or bad conditions we start to think there is nothing else.  So if you have a Sesqui-Square Aspect in your chart, and the energies start to feel a bit like this is happening to you, check how the current Transits to your Chart are triggering those planetary positions that are 135 degrees apart.  

The Orb used for the Sesqui-Square is usually very small.  Here it is just 1 deg 23 mins from exact. 

  • Sesqui-Squares involving the Sun and Moon - Allow up to a 5 degree Orb
  • Sesqui-Squares involving all other Planets and key points - Allow up to a 3 degree Orb
  • Sesqui-Squares involving Asteroids - Allow only a degree. 

The Inconjunct



The Inconjunct is 150 Degrees from one point to another.  In this case, the Ascendant is 150 degrees from Mars with a 10 minute orb.  

The Inconjunct is a line with an upside down V underneath it.  

If you look at the wheel below you will see that 150 degrees is 30 degrees less than an Opposition, and 30 degrees more than a Trine.  The Inconjunct tries to give you something but something has to happen first.  You have to do something when you have an Inconjunct.  This isn't so much an opportunity that arrives, as a 'growing into' an expanded place. 

The Orb is kept tight with this Aspect because it is as if it is hovering on a point that must be observed and taken into account when we confront it.  

Keep the orb really tight and take notice.  It should be obvious because it usually demands attention from us. The Orb shown in this table is just 10 minutes of exact.

How do the Astrological Aspects Manifest in our Lives?

 OK.  So now you have the Math down pat, how do these Aspects actually show up in our lives? 

I suggest you start with your Birth Chart, also called your Natal Chart.  This Chart stays with you your whole Life so the first set of Aspects you will want to study will be your own!  Why?  Because this Chart shows you many strengths you may not be aware you have.  It can also show you where you need to think outside of the box, or where you have to actually do something in order to find an opportunity! 

In the first lessons you learned how you relate to different areas of your life, and how you express your energy.  With the Aspects you are really beginning to flesh out some practical ways you can use Astrology in any area of your life you choose at any particular time.  And speaking of time, it is through the 'timing' of "triggered aspects" that can really add some power to your efforts! Or put obstacles in your way.  

Learning the Basics of Astrology is where all the real Power resides!  So don't gloss over these first few lessons.  Read between the lines and go deeper.  They are keys to many Astrological treasures.  And you won't reach these treasures if you don't spend a lot of time on the basics. 

We all learn differently.  Given you are taking the time to actually read, I figure you are also quite visual.  So here in this section I've created some pictures that might serve as pneumonic devices that you can quickly refer to when you start reading your own charts. 

Now, I have AI generated all these pictures.  I'm no artist.  And I'm learning, (like all of us) how to speak to AI to get the results.  But I am happy that these are useful enough for us for this purpose. 



Take a few moments to look at this picture.  OK.  We all recognize Mars.  And maybe you also recognize Pluto there on the right.  Venus is in pink and Jupiter is riding the horse.  Of course I could have just as easily put other planets in there also.  I started asking for super heros and super villains but AI gave me images that would surely have been subject to copyright if I'd used those! 

Each of the characters here have a different set of skills.  Each of them approach challenges in different ways. Because they are all beside each other, closely in a Conjunction Aspect, each of them has the intent to take action!  

How do you think they will proceed?  I guess that depends upon what they are facing at any time.  If they face a hidden enemy you might find that Pluto comes in useful, but will the rest stand back and let him do his thing first?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  If this is you facing something hidden that you feel you need to achieve, will your Mars jump ahead and push through to achievement or will Mars move too fast and be clumsy?  It could go either way.  But then you will also have the rest of the guys there doing their thing!  At the same time!  So for you a group of planets all in Conjunction will be both a blessing and a curse, depending upon how you, the general of your own Life, utilises your own skills and decision making process.  

You might recall watching super hero cartoons in the past where one of the heros shakes their head every time one of his or her team mates behaves as expected!  But there are also other times when that same team mate is thanked for behaving as expected! 

See if you can identify again where your Conjunctions are in your Natal Chart.  Check the House (area of your life) where they operate.  Consider your own past and how these energies have played out for you to date.  Get a feel for this.  See the incidents in your minds eye and look closely at your own history.  What were the circumstances?  What else was happening?  Who else was involved?  Maybe you were acting all super sleuth Pluto and you projected Mars out onto another individual who was involved at the time.  Just play with this.  The more you do this the more you start to notice the different energies manifesting in your life. At different times.  

A really interesting phenomena that makes most of us laugh when we look back is the realisation that "this too shall pass".  Depending upon the Aspects some things only get triggered for a short while and then pass quickly, to the point where although it was the most important thing to us last week, this week we haven't even given it a thought! 

Conjunctions are acute.  The energies are fully pronounced! There is a lot more to this as we go deeper into Astrology but for now that's how you can begin to make Astrology work for you.  Uranus Rules Astrology so it is very much intuitive.  Intuition, or 'expertise' often comes after we do the repetitive work! ;)


Oppositions are really interesting and there is debate around oppositions.  That's funny! 

I have depicted here two trains going in separate directions.  One is going to Africa where there is a lot of hot dry land with lots of lions.  The other train is going to Alaska, where there aren't any lions and it is mostly cold and icy!  

What has Alaska and Africa got in common then?  And how do they communicate?  Well, certainly when we look at Aspects through Transits we will find that our Oppositions get triggered to communicate with each other when either a Mundane aspect like a T-square takes place that contains those energies that relate to our own oppositions.  Or when a planet transits the 90 degree square of our opposition points, or makes other aspects that trigger both of these points for us.  Or when the Rulers of those two houses are triggered or doing some triggering!  (Yes Astrology is a big subject.  But the basics give us massive amounts of information quickly that we can actually work with so you don't have to worry about how big Astrology is.)

When something is in Opposition though, it is also on the same "Axis", which means there is a link between these two at all times.  Consider the First House / Seventh House for example.  You 'bring it' in the first house, but the seventh house is your partner.  How much of what you bring depends upon maintaining a balance with your partner? How about the Tenth House / Fourth House Axis?  The tenth house is your career.  The fourth house is your base, or home.  How important is your home base to you in setting up your career opportunities?  So we can easily see how Oppositions can both move in opposite directions (a busy career will take you away from home time) but also depend upon each other to great extent (without someone at home taking care of things you ay not have time for your career).  So oppositions have a powerful link to each other.  If you read my piece on Janksey's approach to Eclipses based on these Axis lines you will comprehend how it is sometimes necessary to choose a point somewhere along the axis rather than choose the either / or of one over the other!  Even though sometimes a choice of either / or is the appropriately best choice!  It is your choice.  And wherever you have Oppositions you may find that these kinds of choices come into play for you. 



No-one builds character without facing challenges.   If this resonates with you then you probably have some Squares in your chart!  Squares can be volatile.  They aren't the 'walk away from it' kind of aspect.  Squares usually have to be dealt with one way or another.  Hopefully without doing any harm.  All parties concerned may certainly feel harmed in some way or another.  And all concerned will come to the realisation that the only way to deal with this circumstance is to roll up your sleeves and get into it as best you can!  Squares, like all aspects, are opportunities for us to grow and move forward.  There are valuable lessons in Square aspects for sure.  

If you are having a Square aspect triggered it usually won't go away just because you decided to ignore it.  It will often come back with stronger force, regardless of how much time lapses before it does come back!  

You might think that relationship is over after that fight.  But then the phone rings.  You ain't done yet!  And it still feels the same and there still is no answer, until you reach one together.  

Squares can be those Ordeals that feel like they are literally moulding us into better people!  Often against our wishes.  Who among us actually goes looking for the tough challenges?  Some of us do, especially if we have our Square Aspects triggered.  But would we have preferred not to have had to?  Probably.  


OK.  Sextiles aren't squares.  These 60 degree angles are half a Trine, so you know there is going to be at least some easy sailing into these opportunities.  But not so easy that great luck falls upon you.  Sextiles have to be noticed by you as an opportunity.  Then you can go and get it! 

As this picture shows, the door is right in front of you.  Maybe you don't recognize it straight away.  But if you see your chart telling you that an opportunity exists, maybe then you ask the right questions and it becomes obvious to you that an opportunity exists for your taking.  

Like Trines, sometimes things seem too good to be true.  You never got an opportunity easily before maybe, so perhaps you don't believe anything can be relatively easy for you!  But where your Sextiles show up in your Natal Chart, and when they are triggered by transits or progressions or other triggers, then there is a much easier way to access those opportunities.  You just have to notice them and open the door to let them in. 


OK.  The Inconjunct is 150 degrees with very little orb.  The Universe wants to tell you that things are 'almost' right.  But there remains that little 'niggling' thing that you absolutely must address to get back on path.  So this picture is depicting a mozzie bothering a girl who is trying to sleep.  She is going to have to get rid of that mozzie if she wants to get some sleep.  Sometimes it is the little things that can really upset the apple cart if we don't address them. 

I guess an inconjunct might also be the 'needle in time saves 9'? 

If it is triggering your sixth house of health maybe it is calling for a small change to your diet.  If it is triggering your 11th House of friends, groups, hopes, dreams and wishes, maybe there is an adjustment there to be made by you.  If you believe that the Universe always gives you signs, then the inconjunct will be a useful ally to you.  




Once you realise what you can do with your Trines you will happily know that you don't have to doubt these.  You can use them as much as you can.  The Trine is like an endless move forward up the ladder opportunity for you!  The energies of both planets involved in a Trine will be working together, even if it seems like they shouldn't get along.  Don't take Trines for granted.  Sometimes we think because we can do something with ease, we shouldn't do it at all.  How about if we can do something with ease, we become expert at this so that we can teach others how to do it with ease?  So we can also do something else, rather than reject it as unvaluable because it is easy for us.  

If money comes to you easily (Trines to your 2nd House, Venus and Jupiter perhaps) then joyfully accept it!  Then work out something amazing you can do with this! Trines are meant to be used.  Trines are meant to be gratefully accepted.  And Trines are meant to procreate more Trines for ourselves and for others.  Trines are the good times!  The times when we don't have to work so hard for everything we receive.  We all know greedy people who don't really value themselves and so even though they have all the money in the world, they never put it to good use.  They never really trust their own ability or value it or share it.  We can't give to others what we don't give to ourselves.  We can always give to others what we give to ourselves.  

Take a look at your Trines in your Chart.  What 'flows' for you?  Are you utilising these gifts or are you devaluing them because they come easy for you? 



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